Will there be a competition 2023-2024?

Yes! Details can be found here:

2023-2024 info  Registration is OPEN!

Is there a national level competition?

We are planning on inviting the top performers in each region to compete for a national competition beginning in the 2023-2024 competition year. So, not yet, but soon!

Can middle-schoolers compete?

Middle school students could put together an exhibition team but would not be eligible for prizes.

Can home-school students participate?

Absolutely! They can either form their own team or try to join a high-school team that is competing

How many students make up a team?

Team are typically 5-10 students per team. Each team has to have a teacher that sponsors their team

Can I be a sponsor for the competition?

Absolutely! There are different levels of sponsorship, check them out on our SPONSOR Page